Leadership coaching is an efficient, high-impact process that helps high-performing people in leadership roles improve results in ways that are sustained over time.
It is efficient because, unlike traditional consulting assignments, it does not require invasive processes, large outside teams, and lengthy reports and analyses to get results. We typically work with clients in short meetings (i.e., 30 minutes per session). During this time, our clients and us can generate important insights, gain clarity, focus, and make decisions to improve performance.
Leadership Coaching encourages you to make difficult decisions, step out of your comfort zone, stop destructive behavior, embrace change, and shift performance.
To get results, you need effective interactions and behaviors. Your Executive coach will intervene and provide advice when appropriate. Your success is about engaging in dialogue with you, and then customize a tool or solution that works for your unique solution.
We have developed the following programs based on the needs of our current clients. Our programs are designed to provide you with professional, expert online services. Your coaching program will be fully developed online.
Career Management Program

This program is suitable for:
- Senior leaders and professionals who want to develop outstanding leadership skills and move forward in their career
- Executives at a crossroads in their career
This program consists in:
- Career review: Reviewing your career situation and your journey to date
- Personal profile: Understanding your key influences, values, work-style, personality, needs and aspirations and how they influence your working life using a wide range of assessments and tests
- Career capital: Quantifying your skills, knowledge, abilities, achievements and presentation to prove your capabilities and impress decision makers
- Future working: Strategies to maximize your career success and overcome challenges
- Options: Generating ideas and evaluating their suitability and viability
- Decision making: Devising clear career decision criteria for future opportunities
- Career action plan: Devising a practical road-map to help you achieve your goals
Management & Leadership Improvement Program

This program is suitable for:
- Leaders who want to make much more of an impact within their organization
- High potentials who want to know their ‘brand’ and develop stronger leadership
This program consists in:
- Career review: Reviewing your career situation and your journey to date
- Personal profile: Understanding your key influences, values, work-style, personality, needs and aspirations and how they influence your working life using a wide range of assessments and tests
- Career capital: Quantifying your skills, knowledge, abilities, achievements and presentation to prove your capabilities and impress decision maker
- Leadership skills development: Quantifying your Leadership skills, knowledge, abilities to boost present and future achievements
- Creation of your personal foundation plan: Learning how to build a strong and focused mindset, improving your time management, establishing a health work-life balance
- Communications skills development: Understanding your communication strengths and weaknesses to improve your skills thanks to TA & NPL technics
- Team health check: Evaluating your team skills and dynamics and correcting any deviation to increase loyalty towards you
Both programs are fully customizable in order to suit your very specific needs and individual situation.
Packages Options
These are examples of available packages. However, I make a point of being fully flexible and letting you build the program that better suits your needs. Get in touch with us at [email protected] to discuss your project and get a personal quotation.
Free Initial Meeting
I offer a free, confidential, no-obligation discussion during which we will review your situation. We take great care to ensure that the program is an appropriate match for you.
Power One-Year Coaching Option:
- 3 in-person meetings with corporate representative to establish the desired outcome and reporting requirements: first meeting before coaching begins, second meeting after 6 months of coaching, a final one to measure outcomes
- 2 in-person meeting with the person(s) being coached per month
- Face-to-face interviews with a minimum of 6 colleagues/line manager/direct reports
- 4 jobs shadowing for a full day (one each quarter)
- Coaching sessions by phone or Skype 3 times monthly for one year (no time limit, the client decides!)
- Interim reports (on need)
- Use of our assessment tools
- Unlimited email support
- Availability on weekends and evenings on demand
- 2 jobs shadowing for a full day (one each quarter)
Power 6-Months Coaching Option:
- 3 in-person meetings with corporate representative to establish the desired outcome and reporting requirements: first meeting before coaching begins, second meeting after 3 months of coaching, a final one to measure outcomes
- 2 in-person meeting with the person(s) being coached per month
- Face-to-face interviews with a minimum of 3 colleagues/line manager/direct reports
- Coaching sessions by phone or Skype 3 times monthly for 6 months (no time limit, the client decides)
- Use of our assessment tools
- Interim reports (on need)
- Use of our assessment tools
- Unlimited email support
- Availability on weekends and evenings on demand
Fit Coaching Program Option:

- 2 in-person meetings or telephone meeting with corporate representative to establish the desired outcome and reporting requirements: first meeting before coaching begins, second and final one for measure outcomes
- 1 in-person meeting with the person(s) being coached per month
- 1 job shadowing for a full day
- Coaching sessions by phone or Skype 2 times monthly for 6 months (no time limit, the client decides)
- Use of our assessment tools
- Unlimited email support
- Interim reports (on need)
Light Coaching Program Option:

- 2 telephone meetings with corporate representative to establish the desired outcome and reporting requirements: first meeting before coaching begins, second and final one for measure outcomes
- Coaching sessions by phone or Skype 2 times monthly (no time limit, the client decides)
- Use of our psychometric tools
- Unlimited email support
- Interim reports (on need)