What you must take into consideration before hiring an expat.

If you are a multinational organization currently hiring expatriates or any company that consider hiring expatriates because of a limited local talent pool in your industry or country, there are two major facts you need to take into consideration:
- Behaviors successful at home may not work abroad
- Previous experience abroad may or may not predict future success
Wrong selection is the ultimate cause for continuous absenteeism, cost of expatriate’s failure, customer dissatisfaction and losing the business relationship. Individual personality traits directly influence organizational outcomes like turnover, creativity and commitment.
Therefore, you must ensure an expatriate meet 6 basic criteria:

- They must be willing and motivated to go overseas
- They must be technically able to do the job
- They must be adaptable
- They must have good interpersonal skills and able to form relationship
- They must have good communication ability
- They must have supportive families
We work with our proven results recruitment & assessment solutions – Profiles International & PDA Assessment (here link to both dedicated sections of the website) to help companies assess and hire their expatriate staff wherever your company is located in the world.
Our international experience has shown that global companies require the human resources adaptable not only to the job and organizational requirements, but also to the cultural requirements of various countries. As such, the selection techniques for global jobs vary from those of domestic jobs.
These techniques include:
- Interview – structured interview
- Psychological Testing- mentally fit for international assignment
- Competency assessment
We will provide you with a Selection Technique fully adapted to the recruitment and assessment of expatriate staff.
Our Selection Techniques include:
- Screening the applicant’s background on the basis of work experience with cultures other than one’s own, previous overseas travel, knowledge of foreign language and overall performance.
- Testing the candidate's ability to adapt to the new culture and environment.
- Testing the ability of the spouse and family members of the candidates to the foreign culture and environment.
- Predicting the behavior and adjustment of the candidate.
- Testing the skill of adjustment with the host nationals.
- Job duties and responsibilities.
Our hiring and assessment methodology is optimized for online/virtual/remote recruitment and assessment services. You can access our services wherever you are located in the world.
Why many companies fail at hiring expatriates.

- Many companies fail at hiring expatriates because they underestimate the on boarding process which differ from that of domestic onboarding. Expats generally perform demanding jobs, which is why they may go through a lot of stress. This stress can also be due to language and cultural differences, the feeling of isolation, and being away from friends and family in the home country. Studies show that 25% of expats are called home early because of these reasons.
- At Evidence Coaching, we have developed an onboarding and coaching process which ensures your expatriate staff gets the support they need during the delicate phase of onboarding.
- Our objective is to meet the 40% Challenge. The failure rate among newly hired executives is staggeringly high. Recent research indicates that 40% of new senior executives fail within the initial 18 months. The Onboarding Coaching program directly addresses this challenge.
- It is essential that your expat staff remains highly motivated during the onboarding phase otherwise they will leave your company.
Our onboarding program will focus on the 4 main areas to ensure the success of any expatriate:

- Job competence: our assessment will have identified areas where the skills of the candidate must be further developed which will allow us to establish a customized training program at the beginning of the assignment ensuring the candidate is trained to reach its full performance
- Relational traits: our coaching program will ensure the candidate develops the social skills he/she must possess to succeed in your company
- Personality traits: our coaching program will develop the behavior and communication skills of the candidate: social flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity, interest flexibility, nonjudgmentalness, cosmopolitanism, inquisitiveness, interpersonal engagement
- Environmental variables: our coaching program fosters on emotional resilience, stress management, self-confidence, self-identity and its further development. We will also act as a supportive buddy to prevent the feelings of alienation and isolation
Sessions include areas of leadership presence, clarifying a leadership vision and styles, managing people, attaining a global view, dealing with poor performance and critical conversations, managing accountability, building trust with executive teams and in every professional relationships etc.
Onboarding Coaching sessions typically are conducted weekly or bi-weekly by phone or Skype, and face-to-face when possible. Sessions are approximately 45 minutes to one hour accompanied by full email support.
Our onbording coaching packages

- Assessment of the expatriate’s leadership style and personality profile if we only intervene at the On boarding stage
- New Hire Information Form
- New Hire Onboarding Plan
- Smart Goal Monthly Planner
- Corporate Sponsors meetings
Factors Contributing to the success of the expatriates:
General Factors |
Special Attributes |
Job Competence: |
Technical Skills: knowledge of HQ and host country operations, general manegerial skills, administrative competence and creativity. |
Relational Traits: |
Social Skills: Ability to tolerate ambiguity, courtesy and tact respect, kindness and behavioral flexiblity cultural empathy and ethnocentrism integrity confidence and emotional stablity. |
Perosanality Traits: |
Diplomatic Skill: Believe in the mission congruence of assignment with career path interest in overseas experience willingness to acquire new behaviour patterns and attitudes interst to learn host country language and practice adopting attitide of Non-Verbal communication ability to interact with business assocaites. |
Environmental and Family Variables: |
Motivational Skill: Willingness of the spouse to live overseas adaptablity and supportiveness of spouse stablity of marraige. |