Not sure of your next steps in life?
Coaching Program "Discover Your Life Purpose”

Coaching Program "Discover Your Life Purpose” is for you! "Discover Your Life Purpose" is a coaching program that helps you find new life options and define opportunity selection criteria.
There are many reasons why so many of us feel lost in their lives. Maybe you had a plan, but lack of follow-through and/or a few of life's hard knocks changed it, and you just drifted along. Perhaps you planned out every step in your life and you were pretty successful, but you have reached a point where you don't know anywhere where precisely want to go from now on. Maybe you're too busy with your job and other parts of your daily routines to pursue anything you're really passionate about and this elicits this feeling of "being lost" or "having missed something out". Possibly you can't locate a purpose anymore for whatever reason. This is not an exhaustive list but it provides a snapshot of the many reasons why you are currently feeling lost in your life.
We'll use coaching tools and practical exercises to point out problems and blockages and bring to light new options and opportunities.

- Exploration of your life's deeper aspects: values, personal aspirations, motivations (if any)
- Exploration of your past choices and their positive and negative impact on your current situation
- Exploration of your fears, blockages, limited beliefs and thinking
- Reframing, changing thinking
- Changing and/or transforming beliefs and perceptions
- Changing behavior
- Releasing obstacles
- Identifying new options and opportunities: mission, purpose, alignment, plan, choices, challenges
- Redefining intentions and goals
- Planning actions and taking ownership
Coaching Program "Transformational Life Coaching"

Looking for a new turn in your life but struggling with getting organized or prioritizing? Coaching Program "Transformational Life Coaching" is a highly effective and rapid means of releasing the hidden potential of people, and helping you reach your goals and objectives more quickly than you ever thought possible.
If your goal is big and highly challenging, you have to want the goal bad enough in order to achieve it and start getting organized. Because the road to success is not easy - there will be obstacles - you will likely want to give up. So, in order for you to make it through, you have to want it so badly that you’re willing to sacrifice your time and sweat to work hard. What are the action plans you need to take? What do you need to do? What are the challenges you will face? What are the possible outcomes - negative and positive? The better you are at defining this, the more chance you have at achieving your goal. The "Transformational Life Coaching Program" will facilitate your change and growth. It will shed light and understanding upon your vision/goal, encourage your self-discovery, challenge your choices, establish a plan, release your innate wisdom and power you to achieve the results you desire.
We'll use mind mapping strategies and practical exercises to challenge the ecology and the congruency of your goals. Is it the right goal(s) for you? What will happen to you if you achieve them? If there are some negative things that will happen to you then you will not be so congruent in achieving your outcome and you won't get the "I feel good" feeling that we usually expect from making changes in our lives.

- Exploration of your life's deeper aspects: values, personal aspirations, motivations
- Exploration of the ecology and the congruency of your goals: for you, for others, for society, for the world
- Define the incentive behind that achievement: what you will get once the goal is achieved
- Eliminate self-doubt and negative self-talk
- Using visualization techniques
- Recreating excellence: NLP behavioral modelling
- Define a strategy for your goals: action plans, challenges, possible negative and positive outcomes, strengths, weaknesses, skills
- Prioritizing tasks: where to start, what do you need to do first, second, and third? What are the most important tasks? What are the most urgent tasks?
- Being focused and remaining focused on each step of the plan
- Using tools and techniques to improve your perseverance, consistency and resilience
- Reviewing goals and actions
- and much more...
Interacting with expats, I have realized that only very few are prepared and ready for a career abroad. Working abroad is more demanding than an assignment in one’s own country. It requires empathy, respect, non-judgment, tolerance and a true desire to understand the culture of the new country.

Carole besson, CEO, Founder of Evidence Coaching Ltd,
Executive Coach, Leadership Expert, Assessment Consultant
Schedule your complementary online coaching session and ask us any question on online coaching you may have.